Changes from Ver.2.x to Ver.3.x 


◆Changes in machines


 Object permissions have been changed.

  ×Copy 〇Modify 〇Transfer → 〇Copy ×Modify ×Transfer


 The land load (LI) has been changed.

  33LI → 13LI~55LI (varies depending on size)


◆Changes on the participant's side


 The card attachment has been changed to temporary attachment, and no more garbage is stored in the inventory.


 The game playing area has been changed from 20m to the whole area of the sim.


◆Machine owner changes


 All settings have been changed from note card to dialog.


 In addition to the automatic start by time setting, it is now possible to start the game immediately at the owner's timing.


 The number of balls used, which was fixed at 75 in Ver.2.x, can now be set in 3 levels, allowing for quicker play.


 The prize money can now be set at random.


 Participants can now be added to a blacklist.


 The current settings of "time per game" and "bingo winning probability" can now be viewed in the dialog box.


 Resizing can now be done in 6 steps.


 Anti-Cheat measures have been strengthened.



 If you have read and accepted the above, please send the bingo machine to TOMOZOO Lomu.


 We will send you the new version as soon as we receive the confirmation.


 You may remove any accessories and options other than the machine itself.






 Ver.2.x から Ver.3.x での変更点





  ×Copy 〇Modify 〇Transfer → 〇Copy ×Modify ×Transfer



  33LI → 13LI~55LI(サイズにより変動します)




















 ・ダイアログ内で 現在の設定での「1回のゲームにかかる時間」と「ビンゴ当選確率」が見れるようになりました。








 上記をお読みになり了承頂けましたらTOMOZOO Lomuまでビンゴマシン本体を送ってください。

